In early Spring 2023, the European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) organised its third online training to more than 50 participants from across Europe and beyond. The training was the second iteration of the 5-day training course for academic staff and consisted of hands-on training sessions, workshops and expert input from internationally renowned education specialists.
The training week was led and hosted by the University of Copenhagen with active contribution and participation of teaching staff and education specialists from the other participating institutions, including GGI’s Centre for Global Education, the University of Coimbra, Charles University and theUniversity of Leiden.
For an overview of the programme of the training week, please click here:
In June, the E-NOTE consortium will co-organize its fourth and final training week. More information will be available on the project’s website
The European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) is a project funded by the EuropeanUnion’s Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership framework and is implemented by GGI’sEuropean Centre for Global Education, University of Copenhagen, CharlesUniversity Prague, University of Coimbra, Leiden University and the Coimbra Group Association of 42 Universities. The project brings together university managers, teaching faculty, support staff, PhD supervisors, students and education experts to advance exchanges and best practices in relation to“teaching excellence”. The project examines “teaching excellence” at under-graduate and graduate teaching levels as well as in the context of PhD supervision. In addition, the project addresses core issues related to teaching excellence in the post-Covid19 context, including best practices in physical,online and hybrid teaching realms. E-NOTE will organize trainings andworkshops, will release a wide range of reports and seeks to prepare ablueprint for a European Certificate of Teaching Excellence (ECTE).