Europe and the wider world face complex, multifaceted and fundamental security challenges at an ever-expansive scale. Whether it is new threats such as cybersecurity, the impact of environmental degradation on security and livelihoods, the societal impacts of the impending robotics and artificial intelligence revolution or the resurgence of classical threats, such as nuclear proliferation, arms races, regional conflicts, information warfare, hybrid warfare and the challenges of peacekeeping, peace-building and conflict resolution, the next generation of students and analysts must be literate in the analytical tools and policy-oriented solutions to a wide range of security problems.
To this end, since 2018, the Global Governance Institute, the Belgian Royal Military Academy, and a network of senior scholars and policy-makers from international organisations (such as NATO, the European Union and the United Nations) team up every summer to deliver a unique 10-day intensive summer school from the political capital of Europe. This summer school brings together theoretical and policy-oriented perspectives from peace studies, security studies and strategic studies. Participants will learn first-hand from some of the leading scholars and senior practitioners about major security challenges and how to apply concrete policy solutions in an integrative manner.
Theoretical perspectives
During the foundation sessions, students will discuss the major theories in the fields of security, peace and strategic studies and will acquire the ability to analyse, assess and evaluate major assumptions behind core paradigms and policy decisions. Sessions on peace, security and strategic studies combined with an introduction to geopolitics will allow students to conduct a thorough analysis of contemporary security issues from a European and Global perspective.
Institutions and major actors
With the help of a variety of lecturers and in-depth expert seminars, students will be given both a critical academic and honest internal perspective on the history, policies and outcomes of the major international organisations present in Brussels that deal with European and global security issues. Students will understand that almost every organisation tries to tackle a large number of security problems but that none of them can deal with all these problems on their own, necessitating comprehensive and integrative approaches.
Major issues and challenges
Once students have understood core theoretical explanations as well as the opportunities andlimitations of the major actors and tools, a variety of interactive lectures, seminars and exercises will be provided to allow students to analsze the main peace, security and strategic challenges that policy-makers face today and will in all likelihood face in the near future. Ranging from ‘traditional’ challenges, such as war and conflict, geopolitical rivalries, terrorism, global economic governance, the summer school will also explore more recent issues, such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and the robotics revolution as well as environmental security, the migration-security nexus and the impact of populism and extremism on security.
Forward-thinking and skills training
The summer school will challenge students to not only ask the right questions, but also to collectively think about innovative, yet implementable policy solutions. Senior practitioners and think tank experts will share their insights into their policy work, scenario-building and ‘blue sky’ thinking. Students will also receive training on diplomatic mediation and negotiation, as well as rare insights into the inner workings of international policy-making.
Experiential learning and networking will accompany each session and peer learning will be facilitated throughout the programme. Participants will get ample opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions and debates with lecturers, Brussels-based practitioners, or fellow students, in order to build new long-lasting networks.
At the end of the intensive 10 days, students will apply and test their knowledge and understanding with the help of an interactive simulation. Students will be guided by experts from the field and will work in groups on a major issue related to global peace, security and strategy-making, through the lenses of governments, NGOs and international organisations.
Foundation Sessions
Introductory lectures about major theories and findings from research
Forward-Thinking Sessions / Hands-On Sessions
Discuss innovative problem-solving strategies and approaches to address evolving challenges
Experience Sessions
Lessons learned from experienced practitioners and specialists
Practical Sessions / Simulation Games
Workshops to put into use newly acquired skills and knowledge
Admissions – Applicants need to fill out the summer school application form. After submitting the form successfully, applicants will receive a confirmation email. We evaluate and accept participants to the programme on a rolling basis. An answer can be expected within maximum one week of submission. For any questions or requests, please get in touch.
Certificate – The Global Governance Institute will award a certificate to all participants who successfully complete the programme. This can be achieved if participants attend a minimum of 70% of all sessions, actively engage in all activities and complete the assignments.
Credits – The Royal Military Academy and GGI will award 6 ECTS for successful completion of the credit track. This can be achieved if students attend all sessions, take part in the final simulation and complete one written assignment in the form of a policy paper. Students’ institutions will decide whether the credits can be integrated in an educational programme.
Registration Fee – €1700. The fee includes access to all sessions, learning materials and a 3-month access to the digital learning platform, lunch, coffee and refreshments throughout the summer school, as well as the welcome dinner, and social activities in Brussels.