On 30 May, the Global Governance Institute received a group of highly motivated students from Pomona College for an intensive training on European and Global Governance Challenges. Pomona College is a Liberal Arts College based in California and offered for the first time a comprehensive summer travelling seminar for talented students on major policy issues related to diplomacy and human rights. As part of their three weeks study abroad seminar, the group led by Professor Mietek Boduszyński (former US diplomat and Associate Professor Political at Pomona College) received intensive training at the Global Governance Institute.
This included presentations and interactive sessions on the challenges of European Union’s human rights diplomacy in the wake of recent internal and external developments, a comprehensive seminar on current challenges and opportunities related to Global Governance and an interactive session on the effects of organised crime on human rights, democracy and good governance.
In addition to the thematic sessions, GGI staff also provided training on the scholar-policy nexus, how think tanks approach policy advice and policy impact and organised sessions on careers in policy-advising.
Each session saw lively discussions with excellent questions advanced by well-prepared and highly inquisitive students. After their full week in Brussels, the group departed for an in-depth study tour to Morocco to further analyse EU, national and international policies towards migration, diplomacy and human rights.